...en liten aning om en stundande rund mage :). Idag 27 dagar efter parning och aptiten är fortfarande mycket dålig. Igår serverades Alice lite Royal Canin Starter Mousse blandat med lite torrfoder, och en kort stund senare låg torrfoderkulorna prydligt utspottade över köksgolvet och moussen uppäten. Nåja, hon har ju då iallafall fått i sig lite ^^.
Ready to fly
Our Fabulous Five are moving out! Four of our precious puppies have moved to their new owners, and we are so happy and thankful that they al...
New photos of the Nordic ones, this time we're starting with the girls. Thanks alot to Evelina and Sandra for helping out! Arceum's...
Our Fabulous Five are moving out! Four of our precious puppies have moved to their new owners, and we are so happy and thankful that they al...
Such fabulous weather with the Fabulous Five this Easter holidays! From early mornings to late afternoon we've spent time out on the te...